Lesson One

The Basics


    “One meeting, one opprtunity.” It is a reminder to us of the finite chances that we get in order to make a good first impression, and therefore, a good relationship. When guests walk in, it is not just my responsibility but my opportunity to ensure they leave glad they chose my bar. Before we start serving up intricate drinks, this is the first step to master.


    All of our senses are engaged when we drink alcohol. From the complex taste to the bouquet of smells to the sound of it splashing around in the glass. All of these and more affect how we experience what’s served up to us. When we understand exactly what goes into our synthesis of flavor, we can create extraordinary and unexpected cocktails.


    All alcohol comes from plants. The sugars in this future booze gets digested by yeast, creating alcohol and carbon dioxide. There is millennia of alcoholic botany that goes into the drinks we have today. When we understand the science behind alcohol, we can modify the processes to deveop new and exciting creations, and appreciate the skill that goes into our glass.


    Eons of evolution and thousands of years of brave experimentation precede each bartender’s presence behind the stick. Alcohol has always been a part of our lives, since our beginnings on the plains of Africa. By understanding our ancient ties to alcohol, and how it fueled our communal relationships, we can imbue these experiences at the bar today.


Lesson Two